Author: Esseldeurs, Mats
Phantom (Price et al. 2018) is a fast, parallel, modular and low-memory Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) code, able to tackel a large variaty of astrophysical problems in 3D (written in Fortran90). On the topic of simulating cool AGB outflows, Siess et al. (2022) implemented a treatment of particle injection and dust nucleation, which is used in studies like Maes et al. (2021) and Malfait et al. (2021).
In this code, to account for radiation transfer effects, a ray tracing algorithm is implemented In this ray-tracing implementation, the benefits of SPH are exploited, to create an efficient algorithm to trace rays on the fly throughout SPH simulaitons. More information can be found in Esseldeurs et al. (2023), Appendix A.
Authors: De Ceuster, Frederik; Ceulemans, Thomas Contributors: Esseldeurs, Mats; et al.
Magritte (De Ceuster et al. 2020) is an open-source software library for simulating radiation transport (written in C++). Magritte is currently mainly used for post-processing hydrodynamical simulations by creating synthetic observations, but the techniques could also be applied more general (e.g. Coenegrachts et al. 2023). Magritte uses a deterministic ray-tracer with a formal solver that currently focusses on line radiative transfer. The algorithms of Magritte form the basis of the ray-tracing implementation in Phantom (Esseldeurs et al. 2023).
Author: Esseldeurs, Mats; Malfait, Jolien; Maes, Silke; et al.
Plons (PLOtting tool for Nice Simulations) is a plotting tool designed for for plotting wind simulations in the SPH code Phantom. It is desinged to load phantom_dump files and phantom_ev files to analyse and visualise morphological structures in outflow simulations, as well as the time evolution of properties like the orbital parameters.
Author: Marchant, Pablo; Willox, Reinhold Contributors: Esseldeurs, Mats; et al.
SideKicks (Statistical Inference to DEtermine KICKS on compact objects) is a Julia package which provides tools to perform MCMC sampling of a system composed of a star and a compact object in order to determine kicks received on the compact object at birth. This tool allows to statistically determin the initial pre-SN binary properties from observed post-SN binary properties.