
Peer reviewed publications

  • Esseldeurs, M., Mathis, S., & Decin, L. (2024). Tidal Dissipation in Evolved Low and Intermediate Mass Stars. ArXiv e-Prints, arXiv:2407.10573.
  • Esseldeurs, M., Mathis, S., & Decin, L. (2023, August). Towards a complete picture of the evolution of planetary systems around evolved stars. Complex Planetary Systems II.
  • Esseldeurs, M., Siess, L., De Ceuster, F., Homan, W., Malfait, J., Maes, S., Konings, T., Ceulemans, T., & Decin, L. (2023). 3D simulations of AGB stellar winds. II. Ray-tracer implementation and impact of radiation on the outflow morphology. A&A, 674, A122.
  • Maes, S., Siess, L., Homan, W., Malfait, J., De Ceuster, F., Ceulemans, T., Donné, D., Esseldeurs, M., & Decin, L. (2022). Route towards complete 3D hydro-chemical simulations of companion-perturbed AGB outflows. The Origin of Outflows in Evolved Stars, 366, 227–233.


  • Esseldeurs, M. (2022). SPH Approach to Modelling Dust Attenuation of the Wind Acceleration in AGB Binaries. KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen.